I love to see Japanese gadgets because they are so BIZARRE XD!!! For example these Mejikara anti-wrinkle glasses lol. This is the description:
Embarrassed by those wrinkles starting to appear near your eyes? Slip on these goggle-style glasses and you won't look tired and old anymore! Just wearing the Mejikara for 5 minutes every day will improve the appearance of your face. On the inside of the glasses there are specially-designed ridges which massage and help your skin. It puts gentle pressure on the skin and pushes those sagging eyes back up to where they once were! Lol!!! I would be embarrassed wearing these glasses hahaha, it looks so silly xD! However, this gadget is seems to be a hit in Japan and it's quite expensive as well: $50 USD.
Another silly looking gadget is the Electric nose lift gadget. You can push up your nose with this gadget to create the perfect profile. It's a beauty gadget that applies gentle electric vibrations from the bottom, side and front. Just slip it on and turn on the switch on the front of the frame. While the supports hold your nose in place, the buzzing will help to shape your nose a little bit firmer and higher. You only have to put this 3 minutes once a day on your nose. It looks so weird lol, wondering if this really helps hahaha. It seems to be a big hit in Japan as well and do you know how expensive this is o_o"? dadadadum~ $144 USD is the price tag of this nose lift gadget. WHOA, WHO WOULD BUY THIS?
Source: japantrendshop
Would you ever buy these silly gadgets?
Hahahaha! Ik zou ze puur kopen om uit te proberen (als ik een miljonair was :P), ze zijn lollig! xD
ReplyDeleteWhoaah weet je hoe raar xD
ReplyDeleteHaha wuuut die prijzen :') Ziet er wel grappig uit haha!
ReplyDeleteomg i wanna try the second one XD but i tink those tools would just 'stretch' the skin more and make it more loose and soggy!
ReplyDelete@Suzy, jaaaa als ik super rijk was zou ik dit ook kopen =P hahaha, maar omg kijk naar de prijzen xD
ReplyDelete@Jennifer, yeah i think so too.. i actually don't think that these things will work lol xD
ReplyDeleteI think I would buy them just for fun LOL! As long as they aren't incredibly expensive (ie. more than $30USD) LOL xD
ReplyDelete@Melody, lol,, 30 USD is still expensiveeee >.<" lol i would buy it if it was around 15 USD hahaha
ReplyDeleteKind of want to buy them, just to try it out. Very curious about the outcome......
ReplyDeleteEerder een martelwerktuig!
ReplyDeleteIk heb die neusklem eerder gezien, maar dan andere vorm - leek op een wasknijper haha.
But yeah Japanese has 'great' ideas yes :)
I'll pass really =w= xx
opzich is het wel leuk ik bedoel als je ongelukkig met je neus ben o.i.d en zoiets helpt..good for them XD
ReplyDeletehaha wow trust japanese hehe wonder if it works hehe x
ReplyDeletelol i found the most too-pink blushes work beautifully with a light hand :D!!!!
ReplyDelete@Angie, whoaaa really?? would you buy it for that price o_o"?
ReplyDelete@Ice pandora? uhm een vlinder vorm =p? hahaha die je neus dan plat maakt xD? lol die heb ik ook gezien =p
ReplyDelete@Robin, true true.. maar of het werkt is de vraag xD maar verbaas me wel dat het echt een hit is in japan .. moet dan wel goed zijn zou ik denke =p
ReplyDeleteDit ga je niet geloven.. maar kan best zijn dat dat eerste ding echt werkt XD
ReplyDeleteEr is namelijk een "ding" wat een soort kartonnetje is dat je tussen je wenkbrauwen plakt voor het slapen gaan. Dit zorgt ervoor dat je niet gaat fronzen in je slaap en dus je fronslijntjes minder worden/niet ontstaan.
Schijnt dus dat je in je slaap het meeste fronst..
Het is een van de meest effectieve anti-fronslijntjes dingen op de mark.. No kidding. Ik las het ergens op internet/tijdschrift of zag het zelfs op tv.. en had het toen gegoogled en iedereen is er gek op '_' ''?
dus ja die bril zal dan echt werken tegen de kraaienpootjes xD
Weet niet zeker of hij ook je ogen naar boven duwt zoals ze zeggen haha
Maar Japanners verzinnen de meest geweldige dingen :'D
LOL, really weird gadgets indeed :P I wouldn't buy this stuff no :')
ReplyDeleteLOL I don't c how those would work unless you kept them on 24/7 o_O haha no totally not worth the purchase, I will just have to live with my droopy eyebags and flat nose :P
ReplyDeleteLOL they looks really silly and quite expensive! How can you not laugh while you have those on?!
ReplyDeleteI've tried those nose clips before and I could hardly breathe with it on. My brothers would poke fun at me and I'd end up laughing, sending the nose clip flying off from my nose. Oh what we do for beauty!!
@Tasja, whoaa serieuss =p? zou het echt nooit geloven dat zulke dingen echt werken xD totdat ik het zelf een keertje ga proberen =p
ReplyDelete@fashionableasians, lolll who would wear it 24/7 xD it looks so silly =p !!
ReplyDelete@tartlove, haha i've seen that nose clip before =p lol.. i used to put a clothespin on my nose when i was young for fun. not to make my nose smaller or whatever. just for fun, but it hurtsssss lol xD
ReplyDeleteLOL you are right that the Japanese come up with so many silly gadgets - there is a cheaper nose gadget available that literally looks like a giant clamper, and you clip it on your nose and it's suppose to "slim" it ~_~
ReplyDeleteHahaha I love these funny gadgets, though I haven't bought any, to be honest. It's just amusing to see them on YouTube or blogs. Although, I will buy one if the reviews are really, really good and there's reliable evidence of before and after pics
ReplyDelete@Rinny, i've seen that one before hahaha. ='D
ReplyDelete@Joey, i haven't bought any of these since it's freaking expensive xD but would love to try it though for free hahaha. ='D
ReplyDeleteahah if this actually worked I would SO buy it. I think it would work temporarily cuz ur nose is just cartilage but not forever :(
ReplyDelete@Elle, really? but it's sooo expensive o_O!
ReplyDeleteNice find! Japan has the "BEST" stuff ever. ;D Hahahaha!