25 May 2011

DIY Avocado & Honey Hydrating Mask

Yesterday I tried a DIY avocado face mask. As y'll know avocados are great for you. They are super rich in vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamins A and K which will brighten the skin. This mask also should be moisturizing & nourishing, which is suitable for people with a normal to dry skin. Since I have a combination dry skin I wanted to try it out and see if it's really that good. Homemade masks are usually inexpensive and everybody can make it because it's easy as well ^___^.

All you need is:
- 1/4 medium ripe avocado
- 2 tbsp. of honey
- a bowl
- a fork or a mixer
- a brush

Step 1: Clean your face.
Step 2: Put the 1/4 avocado into a bowl and mash the avocado with a fork or put it in the mixer.
Step 3: Add 2 teaspoon of runny honey and keep mashing the avocado.
Step 4: Apply the mask with your brush. Spread a thick coat of the mask on your face and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and a washcloth.

My opinion
Well, did this mask really work for my skin? To be honest, I didn't like this mask at all. It did feel fresh at the beginning and it did make my skin soft afterwards but NOT moisturizing. After I washed it away with warm water it not only felt dry, it was itchy as well! I think that I'm allergic to something somehow o__O'. It was quite weird, because I'm not allergic to anything normally. This is the first time that I tried an avocado mask and my skin didn't feel good at all. Thankfully, I didn't get a break out from it though. My sis had also tried this DIY mask before but it felt moisturizing and soft on her skin =/. Hmmm... have you girls tried this homemade mask before?


  1. Oei klinkt dus niet goed! Denk niet dat ik dit dan ga uitproberen haha.
    Ik heb zelf nog nooit echt een masker gemaakt, maar het staat wel in mijn planning!

  2. ik vind advocado echt vies dus ik maak dit sowieso niet XD

  3. @Joan, had wel iets beters verwacht van dit maskertje :(. Maar de lip scrub die ik vorige keer had gedaan, was wel goed :)
    link: http://www.memorable-days.net/2011/03/diy-lip-scrub-with-honey-sugar.html

  4. @Robin, hahahah.. normaal eten vind ik het zelf ook minder, maar als het in een salade zit, vind ik 't wel weer lekker xD..

  5. OOO, I need to try this when summer comes around. I don't have time to make anything since I'm not done with school yet.

  6. Oeeeh klinkt super :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. whoa i like eating avocado!!!nice DIY mask!

  9. <3 home made masks!
    Moet echt eens een advocado gaan halen in de supermarkt... Honing is het beste wat m'n huid is overkomen het laatste jaar. Ik kan haast niet geloven hoeveel verschil een honingmasker kan maken. Werkt ook antibacterieel, en da's een bonus voor m'n acne-gevoelig huidje :p

    Zo vreemd dat je huid begon te jeuken, ook al ben je niet allergisch. :S Had je eerder al problemen met advocado of honing op je huid?

  10. @bibi, ben blij dat honing wel goed werkt voor jouw huidje ^^. Bij mij zorgt het ervoor dat het droog wordt, omdat ik een vrij droge huid heb (ik heb een combi droog huid). Het is erg vreemd ja, k denk eerlijk gezegt niet dat het aan de honing lag, maar aan de avocado o__O", omdat k wel eerder honingmaskers had gebruikt, maar nog nooit avocado.

  11. Oh, I tried this for a week. To be honest, I can't tell if it helped, but it definitely didn't make my skin more dry. Perhaps I should stick at it for longer, but I got really lazy hehe

  12. @Joey, more dry? wow, normally the people who tried it will notice the effect immediately. It's probably because of the honey that makes your skin more dry =/. i would stop if i were you >.<"

  13. Haha I was just thinking that the avocados would probably make my skin itchy if I tried this when I read what you wrote about it doing exactly that. I often get an itchy feeling in my throat or on my hands when I eat or touch some fruits. I think it's probably the pesticides used to keep them fresh. Sounds like you may be allergic to them as well :/

  14. @Rinny, hmmm.. that's probably the reason why i'm getting itchy feelings.. but i don't have any allergic reactions after i ate it =/.. so weird.. but thanks for letting me know..

  15. @hihihi, i haven't made a lip balm before =), only a diy lip scrub.. i will try it out when i have the time ^^ thanks for sharing!

  16. thanks for posting this! I'll try it. I've been addicted to tomatoes and carrots mask though =D

  17. this sounds awesome! actually im going do a DIY yogurt mask soon! YAY to DIY masks hehe

  18. this sounds awesome! actually im going do a DIY yogurt mask soon! YAY to DIY masks hehe

  19. ive actually never used a mask before...but i love DIY beauty solutions ^^ will try on day. also did u know u can make honey lipbalm? heres a recipe ^^http://www.sevafrica.com/modules/fashion/article.php?newsid=128 i made it once but i didnt boil,nothing bad happened to my lips though ^^ thanks for sharing!

  20. Haha I was just thinking that the avocados would probably make my skin itchy if I tried this when I read what you wrote about it doing exactly that. I often get an itchy feeling in my throat or on my hands when I eat or touch some fruits. I think it's probably the pesticides used to keep them fresh. Sounds like you may be allergic to them as well :/

  21. @bibi, ben blij dat honing wel goed werkt voor jouw huidje ^^. Bij mij zorgt het ervoor dat het droog wordt, omdat ik een vrij droge huid heb (ik heb een combi droog huid). Het is erg vreemd ja, k denk eerlijk gezegt niet dat het aan de honing lag, maar aan de avocado o__O", omdat k wel eerder honingmaskers had gebruikt, maar nog nooit avocado.


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