I'm not going to talk about beauty or fashion stuff today. It's time to talk about something else ^^. I'm going to the movies today and it's a horror movie which is called
Insidious. Lots and lots of people are saying that it's a very scary movie >.<". Well I've seen a bunch of scary movies in my life and The Grudge, Japanese version is probably the scariest movie I've ever seen. I actually wanted to put a picture of The Grudge in this blogpost LOL, but I thought that it was way too scary hahaha.. I probably wouldn't dare to visit my own blog again xD. I'm just going to put this stupid and funny picture instead xD. I typed the word: "grudge" at Google and I already got goosebumps while looking at the pictures =p yeah i know i'm such a pussy. When I was little I was scared of the movies Chucky and IT. I'm still scared of dolls and clowns >.<" btw omg~ so creepy.. Imagine that you will wake up with a scary doll next to you... AAAAH~!!

Well, tell me :
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
I wie as even to chicken to watch the trailer of Insidious.. I asked a friend to summarize it haha.
ReplyDeleteI've heard alot of people that it's scary, altho the movie tself got ranked with 2/5 stars
My scariest are Ringu (The Ring) I was 9 and it scarded the living daylight out of me D:
xx veel kijkplezier :P
ahhh chucky was so creepy!!!
ReplyDeletei remember watching the ring and ran out after they found the girl in the closet...then i watched the american version of the grudge and stopped watching scary movies altogether, i think i'm the bigger vagina here T^T
Hihi ik ben zoo bang voor horror / thriller films! Niet normaal. Ik was gewoon een hele week lang bang voor Frank, dat enge konijn uit de film Donnie Darko. Bwheh.
ReplyDeleteMy scariest movie was the grudge, the american version! I´ve seen the japanese version too, but i dont think that one was more scary than the american one. Maybe it´s because i´ve watched the american version first...
ReplyDeletethe original thai version of shutter... tried to finish it 2x but got so scared that i had to turn it off both times. maybe i'll try again sometime... maybe not... :P
ReplyDeleteInsidious wasn't that scary. At the end it becomes quite laughable actually. The ending is pretty good though. ;)
ReplyDeletescariest movie for me was IT.
Oh, I think every 80s and 90s kid will remember IT. It was really scary, wasn't it? Until now, my friends and I still discuss the movie. Chucky was scary, but I actually loved it. It's a bit psycho haha
ReplyDeleteI love ghost movies, but I prefer the Thai ones. Those are the scariest because a lot of them are based on true stories and no director does it better than them. Ok, maybe the Japanese, too. My favourite is Shutter, althought it's not really BOO! kinda scary, it's still creepy and the story is great!
The Japanese version of One Missed Call... Not too big on scary movies but that was scary... and also gross!
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, no idea, I have watched so many but I think Asian ones are really good and creepy, such as "The Eye" or something? :)
ReplyDeleteWahaha ik hou niet van horror films XD dus kijk ook nooit maar de enige die ik heb gezien is the Grudge japanese version XD ik vond het niet zo eng wel raar =P ik ging het zelfs in me eentje kijken in avond XD wahahah but ik denk dat ik horror films met moord enzo veel enger vind dan geesten zeg maar XD denk ik =P waaahaha
ReplyDeleteOf nouu in de grudge gingen ook wel mensen dood opzich XD whaaha
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely hate scary movies T~T
ReplyDeleteNot sure what's the scariest cos I'm always covering my eyes ! Hahahah
ha good question. i really don't remember what it was since i got so scared from watching. i refuse to see more scary movies for years lol but i'm pretty sure it was a korean movie.
ReplyDeletehmm i hate scary movies...but the last one I watched was a bit of Saw and I HATED it. I can't stand bloody gore movies.... Psychological horrors don't scare me much tho ^^
ReplyDelete@ana & joey, i have never seen a thai movie before really.. maybe i should try it out haha ^^
ReplyDelete@naomi , insidious the movie was quite scary.. i screamed whuahaha
@Elle, i don't like SAW either, it's way too bloody... >.<" i'm more scared of ghosts and stuff