23 November 2011

Beware of your posture

I'm sure that most of you people are using their computer or laptop very often. Do you sit hours and hours behind your computer? Do you exercise every hour while you're sitting in front of your screen? I'm sure that a lot of you don't do that at all.... Are you aware of your posture while you're sitting in front of your computer? We all know it's bad to look at your screen for so long, but we are still doing it =/.

Look at these pictures and video below first ... look at yourself, how is your posture?

Did you change your posture while you were looking at the pictures and video? Hahaha, I did xD! After an hour I usually will have a different posture, usually a bad posture T__T. Bad computer postures can result in chronic pain in your neck, back, arms and/or legs. Here are 5 tips which helps to improve your computer posture:
1. Make sure that your desk and computer screen are at the correct height. You should be looking straight ahead at your screen and not down.

2. Do not slouch. Slouching leads to bad posture!

3. Keep your back straight. Sit in an upright, straight position. Your lower back should be supported by your chair or a pillow.

4. Stretch often. Stretching will help relieve the stress in your muscles and joints and will increase your flexibility and range of motion.

5. Take a break every thirty minutes. Get up and take a walk. Stretch and recharge your stiff muscles.

I hope this blogpost was informative. Beware of your posture all the time! Take a break every 30 minutes and walk around to stretch! Stay healthy everybody ^^.
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