07 March 2012

OMG! Why did my skin break out all of a sudden?

Why am i posting this on my blog? Well, I'm sure that some of you has experienced this before =/. This is actually the first time in my life that my skin broke out T__T" it's terrible! ... Ok, it's not the end of the world and you know that it's going to recover after a few days. However, it sucks if you have an important meeting that you need to attend to or a date or whatever. Thankfully, I had some free time and was able to stay at home to recover. So WHY did my skin break out all of a sudden and WHAT did I do while my skin broke out. You will read it in this blogpost :).

Why did my skin break out all of a sudden? 
There can be several reasons why your skin suddenly breaks out. It can be the food that you ate, it can be new products, poor hygiene, bad environment et cetera.... (there are many other reasons!). I was so stupid enough to try out the My Spring It / Epicare gadget again, remember my blogpost about it? Read here... In that blogpost I already said that I prefer to use tweezers rather than that gadget, but I wanted to give it another try after 6 months lol.  (My skin didn't break out when I used it back then.) It worked while I used it, the hair were pulled out, but the next day.. oh my, my skin broke out... I directly knew that it was because of that gadget, since it was the only "new" product that I used during that period. My mustache area was all red, swollen and I had a lot of small bumps there. It looked terrible, see picture above >.<". Have you experienced this before when trying out a new product?

How to take care of your skin during this period? 
First of all, throw away the product which caused this break out. A break out which is caused by a product will usually go away within a week, but it's important to keep your skin moist!! Just use your normal products which you trust, drink plenty of water, try not to eat unhealthy food, don't try out new products during that period and DO NOT put any make up on your face! Just let your skin REST for a week. These are the most important things that you need to remember while your skin breaks out. To people with a dry skin: Your skin will feel thin when it has almost recovered so keep it moist with a cream! I tried to use Vaseline during this period, which worked great for me, but I understand that you won't use this when your whole face is breaking out. Also, I  know that some people breaks out because of the ingredient: Petrolatum which is in it so I don't recommend to use it unless your skin can take it.

7 days has past and my skin is back to normal again :). 
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